- MATERIAL DE F. A. VON HAYEK: artículos y libros virtuales.
Clases de orden en la sociedad.
El atavismo de la justicia social.
El elemento moral en la libre empresa.
El ideal democrático y la contención del poder.
El mensaje de Adam Smith en el lenguaje actual.
El flujo de bienes y servicios.
El uso del conocimiento en la sociedad.
Gobierno democrático y actividad económica.
Historia económica y pensamiento político.
Individualismo: el verdadero y el falso.
La competencia como proceso de descubrimiento.
La libertad y el sistema económico.
La libre elección de la moneda.
La pretensión del conocimiento.
La solución “competitiva” para el socialismo.
La tendencia del pensamiento económico.
La teoría de los fenómenos complejos.
Libertad económica y gobierno representativo.
Los errores del constructivismo.
Los fundamentos éticos de una sociedad libre.
Los orígenes de la libertad, la propiedad y la justicia.
Los orígenes y los efectos de nuestros principios morales.
Los principios de un orden social liberal.
Perspectivas de precios, disturbios monetarios, y mala orientación de las inversiones.
A Free Market Monetary System and Pretense of Knowledge.
Biography of Richard Cantillon.
Choice in Currency. A Way to Stop Inflation.
Denationalization of Money: the Argument Refined.
Economic Freedom and Representative Government.
Freedom and Coercion: Some Comments and Mr. Hamowy’s Criticism.
Hayek on Hayek. An Autobiograpical Dialogue.
Individualism and Economic Order.
Investments that Raises the Demand for Capital.
Monetary Nationalism and International Stability.
Monetary Theory and the Trade Cycle.
Profits, Interest and Investment.
Reflections on the Pure Theory of Money of Mr. J. M. Keynes.
The Confusion of Language in Political Thought.
The Intellectuals and Socialism.
The Non-Sequitur of the Dependence Effect.
- MATERIAL SOBRE F. A. VON HAYEK: artículos y libros virtuales.
Angner, Erik. An Attempt to Understand the Nature and Origin of Hayek’s Transformation.
Argandoña, Antonio. Orden espontaneo y ética: la moral de la fatal arrogancia de F. A. Hayek.
Argandoña, Antonio. Orden Espontáneo y etica: una sugerencia.
Arnold, Roger. Hayek and Institutional Evolution.
Arnsperger, Christian. The Use of Knowledge About Society. Part I. Reopening the Road from Frankfurt to Vienna: Why “Hayekian Critical Theory” is not an Oxymoron.
Arnsperger, Christian. The Use of Knowledge About Society. Part II.Critical Instrumental Rationality Between Spontaneity and Reflexivity: Spelling out Hayekian Critical Theory.
Barnet II, William y Block, Walter. On Hayek Triangles.
Baumgarth, William. Hayek and Political Order: the Rule of Law.
Bellante, Don y Garrison, Roger. “Phillips Curves and Hayekian Triangles: Two Perspectives on Monetary Dynamics”.
Beltramino, Rafael. Un intento de aproximación entre Hayek y Bunge.
Benegas Lynch (h), Alberto. Apropósito del conocimiento y la competencia: punto de partida de algunas consideraciones hayekianas.
Benegas Lynch (h), Alberto. Reflexiones sobre la propuesta monetaria de Hayek.
Birner, Jack. La Place de Sensory Order l’Oeuvre de F. A. Hayek.
Birner, Jack. Mind, Market and Society Network Structures in the Work of F. A. Hayek.
Bladel, John. Against Polanyi-Centrism: Hayek and the Re-Emergence of “Spontaneous Order”.
Block, Walter. Hayek’s Road to Serfdom.
Boettke, Peter. Friedrich A. Hayek (1899-1992).
Boettke, Peter. Hayek and Market Socialism: Science, Ideology and Public Policy.
Boettke, Peter. On Reading Hayek: Choice, Consequence and the Road to Serfdom
Boettke, Peter. The Theory of Spontaneous Order and Cultural Evolution in the Social Theory of F. A. Hayek.
Boettke, P., Leeson, P. and Coyne, C. Hayek versus de Neoclassicists: Lessons from the Socialist Calculation Debate.
Boettke, P., Leeson, P. and Coyne, C. The Continuing Relevance of F. A. Hayek`s Political Economy.
Boudreaux, Donald J. Hayek’s relevance: a comment on Richard A. Posner’s, Hayek, Law, and Cognition.
Boykin, Scott. Hayek on Spontaneous Order and Constitutional Design.
Butos, William N. Cuestiones del conocimiento: Hayek, Keynes y mas alla.
Cabra Apalategui, José Manuel. Mente y conocimiento en F. A. Hayek. Fundamentos para un liberalismo no racionalista.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek and Socialism.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek`s Challenge: An Intellectual Bigraphy of F. A. Hayek.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek’s “The Trend of Economic Thinking”.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hayek`s Transformation.
Caldwell, Bruce. Hodson sobre Hayek: una crítica.
Caldwell, Bruce. La evolución hayekiana reconsiderada: una respuesta a Hodgson.
Caldwell, Bruce. Popper and Hayek: who influenced whom?
Caldwell, Bruce. The Emergence of Hayek’s Ideas on Cultural Evolution.
Caldwell, Bruce. Why Dindn`t Hayek Review General Theory?
Caldwell, Bruce. Wieser, Hayek and Equilibrium Theory.
Cammack, Mark y Karlin, Norman (Comp.). Economic Symposium: F. A. Hayek and Contemporary Legal Thought.
Cochran, John y Glahe Fred. The Hayek–Keynes Debate: Lessons for Current Business Cycle Research.
Cockshott, Paul Y Cottrell, Allin. Information and Economic: a Critique of Hayek.
Colander, David. The Many Roads to Serfdom.
Colombato, Enrico. Hayek and Economic Policy (The Austrian Road to the Third Way).
Craver, Earlene y Leijonhufvud, Axel (directores). Nobel Prize-Winning Economist Oral History Transcript. (Entrevistas a F. A. Hayek)
Crespo, Ricardo F. La libertad en Hayek.
Cole, Julio. Hayek y la justicia social: Una apreciación crítica.
Daumann, Frank. Evolution and the Rule of Law: Hayek’s Concept of Liberal Order Reconsidered.
Day, Richard. History, Reason and Hope: A Comparative Study of Kant, Hayek and Habermas.
Dempsey, Gary. Hayek’s Evolucionary Epistemology, Artificial Intelligence and the Question of Free.
De León, Julio Cesar. F. A. Hayek: ¿Enemigo de la dignidad y la libertad del hombre?
Diamond, Arthur Jr. F. A. Hayek on Constructivism and Ethics.
Di Lorio, Francesco. The Sensory Order and the Neurophysilogical Basis of Methodological Individualism.
Drunen, David van. Aquino y Hayek sobre los límites del derecho: una convergencia de tradiciones éticas.
Drunen, David van. Aquinas and Hayek on the Limits of Law: A Convergence of Ethical Traditions.
Dun, Frank van. Reconciling Freedom and Order.
Ealy, Esteven. The Evolution of Rule of Law in Hayek`s Thought.
Easterly, William. Hayek versus los expertos del desarrollo.
Farrant, Andrew. The Socialist ‘Calculation’ Debate: Lange versus Mises and Hayek.
Feser, Edward. Hayek on Tradition.
Fontaine Talavera, Arturo. Friedrich A. von Hayek.
Formaini, Robert. Hayek, Social Theorist of the Century.
Gallo, Ezequiel. Hayek y la investigación histórica: algunas reflexiones.
Garrison, Roger. F. A. Hayek as “Mr. Fluctooations” In Defense of Hayek’s “Technical Economics”.
Garrison, Roger. Hayekian Trade Cycle Theory: A Reappraisal.
Garrison, Roger. Hayekian Triangles and Beyond.
Garrison, Roger. Phillips Curves And Hayekian Triangles: Two Perspectives on Monetary Dynamics.
Garrison, Roger. Sobre-consumo y ahorro forzoso en la teoría del ciclo económico de Mises-Hayek.
Gick, Evelyn y Gick, Wolfgang. Hayek’s Theory of Cultural Evolution Revisited: Rules, Morality, and the Sensory Order.
Glasner, David. Friedrich Hayek: An Appreciation.
Gobel, Jurgen. Hayek`s Approach to Cognitive and Social Order.
Gómez Betancourt, Rebeca. La teoría del ciclo económico de Friedrich von Hayek: causas monetarias, efectos reales.
Gray, John. F.A. Hayek and the Rebirth of Classical Liberalism.
Gray, John. Hayek y el renacimiento del liberalismo clásico.
Gray, John. Hayek: El orden espontáneo en las sociedades post comunistas en transición.
Gregg, Samuel y Kasper, Wolfgang. No Third Way: Hayek and the Recovery of Freedom.
Hernández, Walter. Hayek a la caza de mitos.
Hodgson, Geoffrey M. La evolución hayekiana reconsiderada: una respuesta a Caldwell.
Hamowy, Ronald. F. A. Hayek, on the Occasion of the Centenary of his Birth.
Hamowy, Ronald. Hayek and the Common Law: An Assessment.
Hamowy, Ronald. Hayek’s Concept of Freedom: A Critique.
Hamowy, Ronald. Law and Liberal Society: F. A. Hayek’s Constitution of Liberty.
Hamowy, Ronald. The Hayekian Model of Government in an Open Society.
Heath, Eugene. Spontaneus Social Order and Liberalism.
Hoppe, Hans-Herman. F. A. Hayek on Government and Social Evolution: A Critique.
Horwitz, Steven. From The Sensory Order to the Liberal Order: Hayek’s Non-rationalist Liberalism.
Horwitz, Steven. Monetary Calculation and the Unintended Order: The Misesian Microfoundations of the Hayekian Great Society.
Horwitz, Steven. F. A. Hayek: Austrian Economist.
Horwitz, Steven. Two Worlds at Once: Rand, Hayek, and the Ethics of the Micro and Macro Cosmos.
Jasay, Anthony. Hayek: Some Missing Pieces.
Kirzner, Israel. Hedgehod or Fox? Hayek and the Idea of Plan-Cordination.
Klein, Daniel. Mere Libertarianism: Blending Hayek and Rothbard.
Kolev, Stefan. F.A. Hayek as an Ordo-Liberal.
Kukathas, Chandran. El liberalismo, el nacionalismo y el federalismo en los escritos de Hayek.
Leube, Kurt. Hayek’s Perception of the “Rule of Law”.
Leube, Kurt. Some Remarks on Hayek`s The Sensory Order.
Lisy, Jan. Friedrich August von Hayek.
Lopez, Clynton. Las normas e instituciones morales: diferencia entre Hayek y Argandoña.
McCan, C. R. F. A. Hayek: The Liberal as Communitarian.
Macedo, Stephen. Hayek’s Liberal Legacy.
Marginson, Simon. Hayekian Neo-Liberalism and Academic Freedom.
Martin, Antoine y Scherft, Stacey. Currency Competition: A Partial Vindication of Hayek.
Martínez-Amador, David. F. A. Hayek, su visión de la Ciencia Política: Derribar a la política de su pedestal
Metcalfe, J. S. The broken thread: Marshall, Shumpeter and Hayek on the Evolution of Capitalism.
Meyer, Brent. Hayek’s Evolutionism.
Miller, Eugene. Hayek’s Critique of Reason.
Mirowsky, Philip. Economics, Science, and Knowledge: Polanyi vs. Hayek.
Mrad, María Gabriela. El “Common Law” en la tradición del orden espontáneo.
Mulligan, Robert. A Hayekian Analysis of the Term Structure of Production.
Navarro, Alfredo. Relaciones entre Economía, Econometría y Epistemología: la visión de Hayek.
Nadeau, Robert. Hayek and the Methodological Peculiarities of Social Sciences.
Nadeau, Robert. Hayek and the Complex Affair of the Mind.
Nadeau, Robert. Hayek’s Popperian Critique of the Keynesian Methodology.
Nadeau, Robert. Hayek’s and Mirdal’s Stance on Economic Planning.
Nadeau, Robert. Cultural Evolution True and Falce: A Debunking of Hayek’s Critics.
Nadeau, Robert. Has Hayek Refuted Market Socialism.
Nadeau, Robert. Reassessing Hayek as Popularize.
Nash, George. Hayek and the American Conservative Movement.
O’Driscoll, Gerald. A Tribute to F. A. Hayek.
O`Driscoll, Gerard. Economics As a Cordination Problem: the Contributions of Friedrich A. Hayek.
Olssen, Mark. Totalitarianism and the “Repressed” Utopia of the Present: Moving Beyond Hayek, Popper and Foucault.
Pennington, Mark. Liberty, Markets and Environmental Values: A Hayekian Defence of Free Market Environmentalism.
Polanco, Moris. Antonio Argandoña sobre Hayek.
Ramirez, Juan Jose. La psicologia del hombre libre basada en el pensamiento de Friedrich Hayek.
Ravier, Adrián. La globalización y la paz. Una visión hayekiana.
Ravier, Adrián. Replanteando el debate entre Hayek y Keynes. Un aporte a la macroeconomía del capital.
Raeder, Linda. The Liberalism/Conservatism Of Edmund Burke and F. A. Hayek: A Critical Comparison.
Raeder, Linda. Liberalism and the Common Good A Hayekian Perspective on Communitarianism.
Ribeiro, Francisco Carlos. El pensamiento de Hayek y la Teoría de la Información.
Roger, Arnold. Hayek and Institutional Evolution.
Rojas, Ricardo Manuel. El derecho desde la perspectiva de la Escuela Austriaca de Economía. La visión de Friedrich A. von Hayek.
Ross, Don. Philosophical Aspects of the Hayek-Keynes Debate on Monetary Policy and Theory, 1925-1937.
Rosende, Francisco. Hayek y el ciclo económico: una revisión a la luz de la macroeconomía moderna.
Runde, Jochen. Bringing Social Structure Back into Economics: On Critical Realism and Hayek’s Scientism Essay.
Salerno, Joseph. Mises and Hayek Dehomogenized.
Salerno, Joseph. Learning from the Past: The Continuing Relevance of Hayek, Böhm-Bawerk, and Bastiat.
Salerno, Joseph. Friedrich von Wieser and Friedrich A. Hayek: The General Equilibrium Tradition in Austrian Economics.
Salazar, Oswaldo. El sistema de ideas hayekiano y la tradición fenomenológica.
Salazar, Rogelio. Hayek y el fundamento.
Santanatoglia, Eliana. La influencia de Hayek en el pensamiento evolucionista actual.
Scarano, Eduardo R. Los valores eticos según Hayek.
Selgin, George. Hayek versus Keynes on How the Price Level Ought to Behave.
Seumeren van, Jacco. El orden espontaneo y la evolución cultural en Hayek.
Seumeren van, Jacco. Playful Order: A Better Metaphor for Hayek’s Theory of Spontaneous Order.
Shenfield, Arthur. Hayek y el derecho.
Shenfield, Arthur. The Consistency of Hayek’s Thought.
Shenoy, Shuda. Hayek the Neoclassical Font: A Review Essay on Hayek’s Challenge.
Snow, Marcellus. Notes on the Translation of F. A. Hayek’s “Competition As a Discovery Procedure”.
Sosa Valle, Federico. El concepto hayekiano de orden espontáneo.
Sousa, María de. Knowledge and Rules: Hayek’s Social Theorizing in Later Work.
Sraffa, Piero. Dr. Hayek on Money and Capital.
Sraffa, Piero. [Money and Capital]: A Reijoinder.
Stalebrink, Odd. The hayek and Mises Controversy: Bridging Differences.
Steele, G. R. Hayek’s Money Economy: The Dynamics of Competitive Equilibrium and Socio-economic Order.
Steele, G. R. Hayek’s Sensory Order.
Steele, G. R. Hayek’s Theory of Cultural Group Selection.
Steele, G. R. Hayek’s Theory of Money and Cycles: Retrospective and Reappraisal.
Taube, Michael. Friedrich A. Hayek and Milton Friedman: The Guardians of Classical Liberalism.
Tomo, Shigeki. 1922: A Watershed Year for Mises and Hayek.
Vandenbruwaene, Werner. Insight from Hayekian Legal Theory to the Balancing of Human Rights.
Veryser, Harry C. Friedrich August von Hayek: Requiescat in Pace.
Vriend, Nicolaas J. Was Hayek an Ace?
Williams, Gareth. Hayek’s Critique of Constructivism: A Libertarian Appraisal.
Wohlgemuth, Michael. Capitalistic Competition As a Communicative Community Why Politics is Less “Deliberative” than Markets.
White, Lawrence H. Did Hayek and Roibbins Deepen the Great Depression?
White, Lawrence H. The Clash of Economics Ideas. Charter 6: The Second World War An Hayek`s Road to Serfdom.
Zanotti, Gabriel J. Hayek y la filosofía cristiana.
Zappia, Carlo. Private Information, Contractual Arrangements and Hayek’s Knowledge Problem.
Zappia, Carlo. The Notion of Private Information in a Modern Perspective: A Re-appraisal of Hayek’s Contribution.
Zappia, Carlo. The Assumption of Perfect Foresight and Hayek’s Theory of Knowledge.
Zappia, Carlo. The Economics of Information, Market Socialism and Hayek’s Legacy.
Zimmerman, Eduardo. Hayek, la evolución cultural y sus críticos.
Zwirn, Gregor. Methodological Individualism or Methodological Atomism: The Case of Friedrich August von Hayek.
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